Seer Smoke Wand
Seer Smoke Wand
These ritually crafted Seer Smoke Wands are woven with wildcrafted and homegrown seasonal botanicals including Mugwort, Juniper, and Rosemary mindfully selected for their metaphysical, clairvoyant, and conscious expanding qualities while also offering purification, protection, and blessing.
Crafted specially for the Samhain season, the Seer Smoke Wand can be used for rituals invoking connection with Otherworld and initiating contact with Spirits, Ancestors, and the Dead. Additionally, these potent magickal tools can be used for house/space blessings and purification rites which are particularly powerful at this time of the Witches New Year.
Herbs and plants are ritually gathered from the wild places here at Witchwood then consecrated and blessed while being bound by hand using organic hemp cord making each wand wholly unique. These Seer Smoke Wands are a magickal and essential addition to your spell craft, Rituals, magickal practices, and Samhain ceremonies.
Magickal Properties
⍟ Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris - Divination, Psychic Visions, Vivid & Prophetic Dreaming, Astral Travel, Protection, Wisdom, Observation, Aids in Confronting Difficult Truths, Purification
⍟ Rosemary - Salvia rosmarinus - Memory, Ancestors, Ancient Wisdom, Protection, Virtue, Cleansing, Consecration
⍟ Juniper - Juniperus communis - Ward off Evil, Purification, Protection, Mysteries of the Dead, Guardian of Threshold Between this World & the Next, Prophecy, Divination, Clairvoyance, Connection with Otherworld, Communication with Spirits (especially Nature Spirits), Blessing (especially of Spaces & Places)