Hearth & Home Ritual Box

Hearth & Home Ritual Box
For Purification & Protection
The Hearth & Home Ritual Box includes tools and talismans to cleanse, purify, protect, and bless your home or sacred space. This box is particularly potent during times of transition within your beloved space such as moving in/out, death (literal or metaphorical), home occupant shifts, as well as shifts in Spirit activity within your home. It serves as a powerful tool in marking times of threshold including birthdays, new years, Celtic Fire Festivals, and significant life changes of those residing within your sacred space. This Ritual Box is made to order and handcrafted in ceremony at the time of purchase. A guided Ritual for suggested use of all box contents is included.
Handcrafted Ritual Box Includes:
🜃 Mugwort Salt
🜁 Sacred Smoke Wand
🜄 Banishing Bath Brew
🜂 Cailleach Incense (with Charcoal for burning)
☽ Guided Ritual Insert
☆ Parshell (optional)